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Kaoru "Hime" Koto is currently Commander of the Combat Unit One of Headquarters. I feel as if the world is on her shoulders. The ranking has its benefits. She feels she needs something interesting to happen to her life every once in a while. Alice "Ally" Rosalite is her childhood best friend. She is currently the Commander of Combat Unit Two. They always hang out every once in a while. You look so bored, you need some excitement? Ally asked. You could say that. I replied. I need a man. So let's go out tonight. Ally replied. I don't know, Ally. I replied. Kaoru, you are such a worry-wort, we are twenty-one. Ally replied. I haven't gone out since "him". I replied. Yes, that disgusting mother of an ex. Ally replied. We should go out for fun. No man chasing, Ally. I replied. I am single, Kaoru, not desperate. Ally replied. The way you said it made it seem you are desperate. I replied. Whatever, we are going to the party in Avaritia or Luxuria? Ally asked. How about downtown Dionysus? I asked. Yes, I can drink to my heart's content. Ally replied. You have a problem. I replied. Meet up at my house? I asked. Yes. Ally replied. As the day went by, I was looking forward to tonight. I would be "me" again. I thought. Soon as my day was done, I arrived at my house. I walked inside and dropped my keys on the counter. Ally arrived in her car. She parked and brought out party dresses and makeup. She really is ready for tonight. Ally knocked on the door. Kaoru open the door. As I opened the door, she came in with make up in one bag and a gym bag in the other hand. I grabbed the gym bag. Let's go upstairs and get ready! Ally yelled. Yeah! I yelled.

Stay Tuned.

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