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The Fairy Tales:

Here are the Three Tales and there summaries:


Haru/ My Rare Treasure:

Read about Haru and her struggle of being known as Gabriel Higashiyama (Natasha's Son). She wants to make her own legacy. She has her friends to help her every step of the way.




Read about Natasha and her adventures. The friends she meets from the past to present. The battles of her past coming to the light. What will happen next?




Read about the life and of Commander/Lieutenant of Combat Unit One, Kaoru "Hime" Koto. Her adventures with her friends Ally, Commander Higashiyama and Yukimoto and Rumiko. She meets her new team mate named Aoi Tanaka. What will they tackle?



Days of Megumi:

Read about Megumi and how she became her infamous.


Jeremy's Back Story:

Read about Jeremy's(Natasha's Father) past and how he has overcome his trials and tribulations. It is his novel he has been writing.


Rumiko's Story:
Read about Rumiko's life before she met Tomoe and the others.

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