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The next day when Natasha arrived at school Keenan and the boys made a bet that the girls would lose to them if they had a "Battle Royale". Natasha ran over and asked " What are you talking about?" That bastard said " The boys would win against us". Is that so? Natasha asked. What the hell are you going on about now? Kaori asked. Those boys think girls will lose. Sam replied. Whatever I won't lose to the like of them. Ami replied. The girls walked off to class. What the hell is their damn problem. Kaori replied. Calm down Kaori we will beat their asses no problem. Ami replied. Stop don't let them provoke you. Nanami replied. Class is in session. Mrs. Hinata replied. Hey don't let the boys get to you? Aoi replied. You are right. Mariah replied. Auh hi Mariah. Aaron replied. Aaron are you ok your blushing? Mika asked. You know he has feelings for her right. Keenan replied. Hey what when are you going to confess your love for her? James asked. Hi Aaron. Mariah replied. Anyways, I planned out who is fighting who. Aaron your going to fight Mariah in this battle. Keenan replied. What the hell do you mean? Aaron replied. She would break him in half. James replied in fear. What do you mean? Keenan replied. Oh... your still fighting her. Keenan replied. Keenan that's like throwing him to the tigers man. James replied. You meant "throwing him to the lions"? Sam asked. The line up is final. Keenan replied. What will happen next? Will Aaron die by Mariah hand or will he come out victorious?

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