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When Natasha and the others went to PE, they ran into Keenan and the boys. Are you boys ready to get your ass beat by us girls? Natasha asked. I'd love to see that. Keenan replied. Takeru, you know how this will end? Koari asked. I won't lose to you. Takeru replied. I wonder who I will be fighting lol? Mariah asked. Now that all the students are in PE, we will have our own "Battle Royale" Boys vs. Girls. Fuyumi replied. Let's start the line up. Umeko replied. First up is Aaron Himaya vs. Mariah Maruya! Umeko yelled. The whole crowd gasped in fear. What the hell man I pity Aaron. He is a dead man Mariah use to beat up people. Oh cool I am going against you? Mariah asked. Yes you are and I won't lose. Aaron replied. Alright then I won't go easy on you. Mariah replied. Aaron charged at Mariah. She flipped in the air and kicked him in the stomach. Aaron flew into the wall. He got up and he was bleeding from the mouth. What the hell?! Umeko yelled. Mariah kicked Aaron so hard he coughed up blood. Aaron and Mariah started fighting. Mariah was ready to punch Aaron. Wait did Aaron grabbed her fist. Dude are you crazy! Midori yelled. Oh I see what you are doing. Mariah replied. Nice try but you made a major flaw. Mariah replied. Mariah headbutt Aaron. Mariah has the advantage at the moment. Umeko replied. Aaron must be disoriented at the moment. Umeko replied. You know how dangerous Mariah is! Sam yelled. You sicked her on him to face the girl he loves in battle? Natasha asked. Maybe? Keenan replied. How frightening is Mariah? Natasha asked. She is merciless, your witnessing how dangerous she is. Sam replied. Aaron get out of their before Mariah kills you! Sam replied. Stay out of this Sam. Aaron replied. This is part one of Aaron vs. Mariah. Stay Tuned. for next time!

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