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The girls are called on a mission. Hey you three are going on there first mission. Yukimoto replied. Well let’s do this girls. Kaoru replied. Let’s do this and get our reward! Ally replied. Aren’t we supposed to fight for saving and not for money? Rumiko asked. I know someone who wants to fight for money. Kaoru replied. What I like the finer things in life is that so wrong? Ally asked. Don't try to make us pity you Ally. Rumiko replied. Are you two always like this? Rumiko asked. Yeah we are childhood friends. Ally replied. Yup that is what we are and we like befriending new people. Kaoru replied. You two are more friendlier then others when I was transferred. Rumiko replied. Soon as Rumiko said that a bunch demons appeared before their eyes. Kaoru jumped up and summoned duel blades. Ally summoned a wipe. Soon as soon of the demons saw Rumiko, they froze in fear. It's her she wields one the ancient magic. Demon replied. You are right, my power is ancient. Rumiko replied. What is this ancient power the demons talked about? Stay Tuned.

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