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Book One: Chapter 3: Action Before The Enemy Ambushes... Part 1

As I walked home, I knocked on the door. Who is it? My mom asked. It's me Haru. I replied. You're late, did you have to stay for a meeting? My mom asked. You could say that. I replied. Well wash up and get ready for dinner. My mom replied. Mom is dad home yet? I asked. You know your dad is always late at home. Mom replied. That is true. I replied. Soon as I entered my room and I changed into a periwinkle tank top, cool gray sweatpants and slide sandals.

When I came downstairs I saw my grandmother, Natasha Higashiyama. My grandmother is known for risking her life to destroy an evil force from her past. She killed off all the demons all by herself with a little help from my step-grandfather Keenan Higashikuni. She came up to me asking me if I am ok. I saw an assassin after you. I came here to get your parents informed about this problem. Natasha replied. Haru you two occupations ok sweetheart. Natasha replied. You could A: Break his spirit or B: Break some Higashiyama on his ass. Which one do you refer to? Natasha asked. Mom, I will not be having you influencing Haru to do something reckless. Dad replied. Hi, dad your home. I replied. Hi Haru. Dad replied. I kind of agree and disagree with your mom at the same time. Mom replied. You just like violence in general. Dad replied. You know me too well. Mom replied. What will I do? I thought. Grandma's decision seems cool but dangerously violent. I replied. My dad is the whole decision altogether. My mom agrees but disagrees. I replied. This is so confusing! I yelled. Haru your grandmother is a bad influence on anyone she talks to. Dad replied. Dad so you're saying, "Grandma is a horrible person to be around?" I asked. No, it's because I don't take mess from anyone. Natasha replied. Well, I'll sleep on what to do. I replied. Before I went to bed, I took a soothing bath. I kind of felt like I melted a piece of my troubles away. When I got out of the bath I changed into my favorite periwinkle pajamas. The shirt is white and periwinkle and my shorts are gray. As I was getting ready for bed, I saw a guy looking at me from a long distant murmuring something. Haru that guy is the person who has been stalking you. Orchid replied. Wait who is that? I asked. "Haru, that guy is the person who was stalking you" Orchid replied. Orchid jumped out the window and ran outside. She turned into my Shadow Dragon form and fought the assassins that were after Haru. You must be really stupid thinking you can attack Haru and live. Orchid replied. I was called to kill her. She is a nuisance to our leader, Izanami. Artemis replied. They say Haru possesses a certain power that could crush anything in her way and her name brings fear to demons and demon lords. Aoi replied. Is that so? Orchid asked. After all the Higashiyama have one hell of a reputation for defeating and overdoing it. Orchid replied. Where do you think you are going? Artemis asked. We will get a heavily paid killing you. Aoi replied. Orchid was fighting the guy and when she was fighting him she looked him in the eyes. You can't be, what is your name?! Orchid replied. Whenever we might see you again I might tell you. Aoi replied. When Orchid came back into the room she was mumbling "I can't believe it was him?" What do you mean? I asked. Maybe another time. Good Night Haru. Orchid replied.

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