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Last time Ally and Kaoru witnessed Rumiko fight and that her nice name is "Princess of the Dragons". You were so bad ass Rumiko. Ally replied. Thank you, to be honest I am not one for violence. Rumiko replied. The way you were fighting says another thing. Kaoru replied. Well I see you girls defeated a enemy together? Yukimoto asked. Yeah we did Yumi. Ally replied. What did you call me Ally? Yukimoto asked. That's right I can't call by your really name. Ally replied. Yeah remember when were off work than you can call me Yumi, alright. Yukimoto replied. You know the only time she calls you "Yumi" when she is overjoyed about something. Kaoru replied. Well let's go change and shower. Kaoru replied. You are right, I wreck of monster blood and guts. Rumiko replied. Yeah maybe after this we can go out to dinner to commemorate "how we took down a demon lord and his underlings in one setting. Ally replied. You don't have plans for this tonight Ally? Kaoru asked. Whatever lets just celebrate. Ally replied. I really don't have any clothes to go out in. Rumiko replied. From looking at your size you can wear one of Ally's dresses. Kaoru replied. Yeah I know a perfect dress. Ally replied. They finally got in the showers. After the three got out of the shower they walked in the hallway people started asking questions. The three ran and got into Ally's car. What will happen next? Stay Tuned.

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