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Last time we it was James vs. Sam. The fight is getting intense. Sam is leaved on the defensive. Sam finds a opening and punches James in the stomach. It looks like Sam is making a come back. Yumi replied. Yes she has but from the beginning of the fight James had the advantage. Takeru replied. Hey playboy, our girl Sam is going to be the victor. Kaori replied. Who are you calling a playboy? Takeru asked. Don't try to deny it. Kaori replied. I am not a whore for your information. Takeru replied. Shut up, Takeru don't distract James and Sam with your lies. Kaori replied. While James and Sam were fight, Sam punched James again and the battle ended with a K.O. Sam came out as the winner. James got up and said "Congratulations you won the fight fair and square". Thank you James. Sam replied. Wow you got close to her and this is your closest you could say. Takeru replied. Oh shut the hell, you are against the devil herself. Who could James be preferring as "the devil herself"? Stay Tuned

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