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Book One: Chapter 3: Action Before The Enemy Ambushes... Part 2

As school got out, I was still thinking about those three girls and what were they trying to gain? I thought. Megumi might know about this mess so let me go see her. I thought. So I walked to Megumi's Dojo. As soon as I got there, Natsumi and Yoshi were there. Since you girls are here, you want to know something. Hey Megumi why did you pick us out of all people to be together? Natsumi asked. The reason I chose you, girls, is that of the abilities you wield. For example, Natsumi you a fire wielder. Megumi replied. It felt so weird that I transformed like that. Natsumi replied. You are right it felt freaky too. Yoshi replied. Yoshi your powers come from your origin. What is my origin actually? Yoshi asked. I will tell you in time or you might find out on your own. Megumi replied. Don't try to play Mrs. Mysterious. I replied. Now about your powers, Haru. Natsumi replied. My powers have two sides. I replied. Yeah, the form you witness earlier was on my shadow dragon elemental forms. I replied. Haru uses that because of mmm. Megumi replied. Now Megumi we can't go telling my business out loud and I won't tell you yours. I replied. Whatever you say. Megumi replied. That weapon you wielded earlier was pretty cool. Natsumi replied. Well with every elemental I use I get a weapon like that. I replied. That halberd you wield was a replica of the real? Yoshi asked. Yeah, it is a replica but was bestowed upon me by the real people from the legends actually. I replied. You mean you met one of the Divine Kings? Yoshi asked. Yeah, I did, they are really nice elderly men. They kind of remind me of nice grandpas actually. I replied. It's 4:30 PM I have to get home. My mom will have my head. I replied. We should get going too. Natsumi replied. I hope one day I get a crazy weapon like that one. Natsumi thought. Hey, I see Haru Higashiyama. Artemis replied. Good, I need you to take her to eliminate her. Izanami replied.

As we were talking I saw Aoi, he was giving her weird looks as if he was conflicted about something. I walked over and to ask if him is he was alright. Oh, did I worry you Haru? Aoi asked. It's fine alright. I replied. Well, I am going to class now. Soon as I walked off, she asked Orchid to play lookout for her. Something is off with him I know it. I replied. As you wish my lady and mistress. Orchid replied. You don't have to call me that you know. I replied. "We're partners, Orchid,". I replied. I know but I was entrusted to you." Orchid replied. Then Orchid do what I requested. I replied. My Lady, what happens if he resists and attacks me? Orchid asked. Do what you do best. I replied. Alright, you're giving me permission to hurt him badly? Orchid asked. Yes, you can hurt him badly. I replied. Hey, Haru who were you talking to just now? Ichiko asked. Whatever do you mean? The bell just rang so lets got to class. I replied. After school, Aoi followed Haru to Megumi's Dojo. Wait, Aoi what are you doing here? I asked. Had I to ask you a question? Aoi asked. Yeah, what is it? I asked. Haru why did you let that girl attack you last night? Aoi asked. Aoi what are you talking about? I asked. Haru who are you talking to? Megumi asked. Oh, my friend Aoi Amachi. I replied. Wow, I didn't know this young man is a friend? Megumi asked. Yeah, do you know him? I asked. Let's just say, I met him many years ago. Megumi replied. Nice seeing you again Miki. Aoi replied. Well, I have to head home. Aoi replied. See you tomorrow. I replied.

Quick History Lesson

*Izanami is the Ruler of the Underworld in Shinto Mythology. Her name means "she who invites". She is stuck in the underworld because she ate the food of that place and now she is bound there. As it says in the stories, if you have a party with her and you eat the food she serves you, you will be bound there with her forever for eternity.

In this case, the Izanami is just the reference as the villain basically.

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