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Last time Kaoru and the girls finished their first mission and it went without hitch. In a way to commemorate the occasion the girls are going out. When they arrived at Ally's house they were relieved. This is where you live Ally? Rumiko asked. Yeah this is my place. Ally replied with a smile. I actually don't live far from you. Rumiko replied. Really that means we live all live in the same neighborhood. Ally replied. Is my dress over here still? Kaoru asked. What dress? Ally asked. What dress that you have in your closet over there. Kaoru replied. I was planning on giving it back. Ally replied. Do you two shared clothes? Rumiko asked. Not always. Ally replied. Let's not get on finding you a dress. Ally replied. Try this on. That short black lace dress and those scarlet pumps. Kaoru replied. Try it on it will look cute. After Rumiko tried the outfit on. Ally and Kaoru were complementing her. Kaoru had a white skater dress and pink stiletto heels. Ally's wearing a black velvet illusion dress and yellow pump heels. Oh we need a clutches. Ally replied. What is a clutch? Rumiko asked. This box like purse can hold your phone, ID and lip gloss. Kaoru replied. Rumiko this is your first time hanging out with girls right? Ally asked. Yes it is. Rumiko replied. Then today will be a perfect experience. Ally replied. Little did they know. Stay Tuned.

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