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Last time, Sam won the fight between James and she. Now lets kick off the fight with Keenan Higashikuni! Beat her ass Keenan! Takeru replied. Yeah whatever. Now one of our aces in the hole Natasha Higashiyama! Yumi Sakura replied. Let' have some fun Keenan after all we have a score to settle anyways. Natasha replied. You are right we do. Keenan replied. The fight has just commenced. Keenan kicked Natasha in stomach sending her flying into the wall. Natasha gets up and she a menacing grin on her face. Wait that usually knocked out people. Gin replied. I hate to break it to you kid but your boy is going to lose to her. Kagura replied. Your wrong he won't lose. Gin replied. Where did she go?Gin asked. Natasha gets up and punches him in the face. Why did those two just pause in the middle of the fight? Yumi asked. Damn why is she here? Natasha thought. Natasha pin him down and pulls his arm. Get off me you damn spider monkey! Keenan yelled. Am I hurting you? Natasha replied saracastially. Keenan pick up Natasha and throws her off him. You sick bastard you could at least be a little gentle with me, damn?Natasha replied. What the hell is gentle about your ass? Keenan asked. No offense but you are too terrifying to be considered "Gentle". Tarou replied. Shut up or dig you a grave as well. Natasha replied. Tarou you love your life right? Takeru asked. Yes. Tarou asked. She is like a little devil I know that will bring fear to your eyes. Takeru replied. Who is this "little devil" you talking about? Kaori asked. This is the end of part one of Natasha and Keenan's fight. Stay Tuned.

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