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Ally and Kaoru are taking Rumiko out on her first girls night. When they got into Ally car they started having conversation. Well since we are ready to go out and have a good time! Ally replied. I am going to have to keep a eye on you Miss Party Girl. Kaoru replied. What having a fun is not a crime. Ally replied. When we got over to the club you will give the keys. Kaoru replied. That happened just once and never again. Ally replied. Stop holding against me. Ally replied. You two are really good friends you scold her hen she does something wrong. Rumiko replied. Well you see we are childhood friends so I know her better than you think. Kaoru replied. Well enough of that we are on our way there.Ally replied. We are I can't wait to have a good time. Rumiko replied. Who knows yo might a handsome guy. Ally replied. I don't know all about that. Rumiko replied. Rumiko you are very beautiful woman you could get any guy you want. Ally replied. I am sure a guy is going to talk to you. Soon as they got the club, they parked the car and got in line. Hey what is your name? Tomoe asked. My name is Rumiko. Rumiko replied. That name sounds familiar. Oh my, that guy is really cute. Ally replied. I think I saw him around Head Quarters. Kaoru replied. You believe so his friends were cute. Ally replied. That guy over there with him is looking at you, Kaoru. Ally replied. Let's go over their with them? Ally asked. I don't know, have a feeling something crazy will happen from this. Kaoru replied. What are you talking about? Ally asked. I kind of on Kaoru side about this, I feel like I met him once before but where? Rumiko asked. We are young and we need some excitement right now. Ally replied. She won't shut up if we won't come along. Kaoru replied. What could happen go wrong? Rumiko asked. Stay Tuned.

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