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Hey Keenan, I am going to kick our ass you bastard! Natasha yelled. Takeru walked off and ran into Mr. Saki the Chemistry Teacher. Hey no foul language in this fighting battle. Mr. Saki replied. Mr. Saki aren't you supposed to be against stuff like this? Takeru asked. Not really, I use to do stuff like this when I was younger. Mr. Saki replied. That is also how I met my wife. Mr. Saki replied. Were you a Casanova or a lover when you were younger? Takeru asked. No I was never as girl crazy as you boys now of days. Mr. Saki replied. You are right, let me get back to the announcer booth. Takeru replied. Now let's get back to this fight. Takeru replied. I wonder who will win this fight? Yumi asked. I will you tell you this much this might be a draw. Takeru replied. Why do you believe that? Yumi asked. Why because if we don't stop them they will destroy each other. Takeru replied. What do you mean? Oh my god Natasha has Keenan in a choke hold. Yumi replied. I don't like repeating myself! Keenan yelled. Get the hell off you got damn spider monkey! Keenan replied. Keenan has broken free. Takeru replied. Keenan kicked Natasha in the face. Natasha dodged his attack. Now she punched him in the stomach. Those two have been at it for too long get them out of there! Mr. Saki yelled. Are you serious this is getting good. Gin replied. No those two are going to kill themselves! Mr. Saki replied. This fight will end with a draw. Takeru replied. No way?!!! The audience replied. Takeru move. Kaori replied. They said that its a draw so deal with it! Kaori replied. Next up is our very handsome announcer is going up against the devil herself, Kaori Higashiyama! Who you believe will be the victor will be? Stay Tuned.

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