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Last time Keenan and Natasha's fight ended in a draw. Now we have the legendary Shadow Dragon warriors Kaori Higashiyama and Takeru Fukushima! Hey Takeru lets make this interesting. If I win this you have to buy me something. Kaori replied. Yeah I wouldn't buy you anything even if I win or lose. Takeru replied. Wow it seems our announcer and the challenger have a connection. Yumi replied. Yeah they do. Ami replied. You better not even go there. Kaori replied. You know I would never do anything like that. We swore to never talk about. Ami replied. Well for now Ren will take over for now. Ami replied. Why didn't you fight Ami? Yumi asked. fighting isn't really my thing. Ami replied. That girl is like Mariah time four. Kaori replied. She isn't that violent now. Yumi replied. I've known long enough to know her mannerisms. Kaori replied. Enough babbling on fight already. Gin replied. You on't demand me bitch!! Kaori yelled. Do you want me to beat your ass too? Kaori asked. No ma'am. Gin replied. Soon as the match began Keenan kicked Kaori in jaw. She then grabbed his leg and had a menacing grin. She threw them Takeru into the fence. You know we can't go all out. Takeru replied. Oh I know that. Kaori replied. Well lets do this. Takeru replied. Takeru punched Kaori in the face.From the distance a unfamiliar woman and a man come to the fight and Takeru had a shocked face. Hey Takeru don't you dare space out on me! Kaori replied. You are right. Takeru replied. Kaori punches Takeru in the stomach. Kaori saw the unfamiliar man and woman before. What was that about spacing out? Takeru replied. This is the end of part one of Kaori and Takeru's fight.

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