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Last time Kaori and Takeru was fighting each other. In the distance their was a man and woman who look familiar to Kaori and Takeru. Takeru put his hand around her face then grabbed her face and threw her down. Bastard I thought I told you we can't go all out. Kaori replied. I am not going all out, if I did you would have a hole threw your stomach. Takeru replied. That might be true but if I get serious, doing that I could kick your head off clean. Kaori replied. As she said what she said, she then kicked Takeru in the neck. What the hell they are fighting like Gods out there. Mariah replied. Hey you know you can't get but so serious out there! Ami yelled. We know that Ami. Kaori replied. Yeah we know, don't get so worried. The Ref came and said this fight will be a draw. Soon as he was calling it a draw, Kaori punched Takeru in the stomach and fell out. Uh this isn't a draw you now that right, I just won far and square. Kaori replied. The girls won the challenge!!! Yumi yelled. I never thought that I would him out of all places. Leiko replied. You know the elite don't go to crappy schools like these. Shigeru replied. Why are you here, my dad doesn't even know of my whereabouts or me even me being alive. Takeru replied. Oh we are going to tell him, he will be overjoyed to see you. Leiko replied. Why are you really doing here? Kaori asked. Well well the demon wants to interefere once again? Leiko replied. What is their connection to Takeru? Stay Tuned.

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