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Hi all new recruits, welcome to HQ its a honor to see new face everyone once in awhile. I'm getting off subject, you all are assigned to two people. You all might have ran into some of them. Megemi (Haru/ My Rare Treasure) replied. Megumi stop babying these damn kids. Shigeko (Natasha) replied. Alright let's get straight to that point, you'll will be under these six. Shigeko replied. Don't be so moody, Shigeko. Artemis( Natasha) replied. You are too much of a goodie goodie. Shigeko replied. I rarely agree with her and she is right. Yuki(Natasha) replied. Well Aoi are under them. Kaoru replied. What the hell is up with expression? Aoi asked. Wow the trouble maker is under me? Bellona asked. Hey been awhile, Kagura. Kaoru replied. What did I tell you about calling me by my first name. Bellona replied. You will never change, Hime? Fumiyo asked. Wait those two are Aoi and Hime. the others gasped. Are we that big? Aoi replied. We are highly ranked prodigies. Kaoru replied. Hey where is your brother? Ayame asked. Well he isn't here? Kaoru replied. Oh man I thought it would have been him than you. What the hell is that suppose to mean? Aoi asked. What is wrong with you, Kaoru? Aoi asked. Well you see...Kaoru replied. Hey get your ass here. I am *Bellona, the Roman Goddess of War. Bellona replied. I am Fumiyo the *Dragon Sin. Those two are the most infamous in HQ. Umeko replied. Oh stop it. Fumiko replied. They are just titles, we are ordinary indivuals like you all. Bellona replied. I heard a Shura is here. Ginko replied. Oh it is the troublemaker. Ginko replied. Oh and I would ask you not to bring that Shura ever again! Bellona yelled. Who is the other Shura? Stay Tuned.

Bellona is the Ancient Roman of War. Dragon Sin is on the Seven Deadly Sins. The Dragon Sin is the sin of Wrath. If you want to look more into the Seven Deadly Sins

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