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Last time everyone introduced to their superiors. Aoi and Kaoru met theirs Bellona, the war goddess and the Dragon Sin, Fumiyo someone brought up the other Shura. Excuse me why can't we bring up that name out of curiousty? Chi asked. Well let's just say, he left for a reason. Fumiyo replied. We can't go in detail so just don't bring it up alright. Fumiyo replied. No offense but are you really the Dragon Sin? Izumi asked. Yes unfortunately, she is very playful that is all. Bellona replied. Ok who wants to face one of us? Bellona replied. No one Aoi and Kaoru have volunteered. Fumiyo replied. Don't go drafting the both of us. Kaoru replied. Alright, Aoi is my opponent. Fumiyo replied. You are my opponent, Kaoru. Bellona replied. This is end in a massacre I know it. Soon as the fight started, Fumiyo vanished and she summoned her sword and Aoi summoned his sword an blocked it. You have sharp reflexes. Fumiyo replied. What the hell? Did that guy defend against that attack? Crowd gossiped. You know you are pretty good. You read the attack but not well enough. Fumiyo replied. Is he bleeding? Crowd asked. Aoi vanished. You are one interesting kid. The two were clashing, Fumiyo summoned the other twin blade of Wrath. Shit. Aoi replied. Aoi traded out his sword to summon another sword as well. From looking at the power of yours, you like you made a contract with the First Goat Sin. Fumiyo replied. Wait the First Goat Sin?! Kaoru asked. That is none of your damn business! Aoi yelled. That boy he can't be him? Bellona replied. Hey Bellona you know Aoi replied. Aoi Yoshida isn't his real name. Bellona replied. Aoi strikes his sword. He nearly cracked the floor. Hey don't break the floor you two. Bellona replied. The pressure from the attacks will destroy everything. Bellona replied. Stop fighting, right now this instance! Bellona yelled.What is Aoi Yoshida real name? What is Aoi's connection to the Goat Sin of Lust.Stay Tuned for next time, Koaru's fight against Bellona, the war goddess.

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