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Book One: Chapter 7: It Begins! Entering the Izanami's Elite! Part 1

Last time Botan, of Izanami's Elite Squad, provoked Haru. So you think you are going to scare me, little girl? Botan asked. That Amazon might be little soft, but she is one of the Top Ten. Megumi replied. So you are the supposed to be the most feared person huh? Bara replied. Do I want to see what makes you so terrifying? Botan replied. I grabbed her face with her bare hands. She began to squeeze her skull. What the hell, so the rumors are true about you and that devilish anger and supernatural strength. Let her go Haru! Megumi yelled. I released her. Give you a little heads up. You better be glad Megumi stopped me. I can do way worst more than cracking skulls sweetheart. I replied. Wow, so you got your ass handed to you by that girl huh, Botan? Sayuri asked. No, the hospital bill would be a steep one. I know your father or myself are trying to hear Izanami's complaining. Megumi replied. So control self, Haru. Megumi replied. That girl Izanami told me you would be fighting, Sayuri. Bara replied. Well, see I have to play wisely. Aoi replied. Orchid glared at Aoi. Hey you. Orchid replied. Orchid walked up to Aoi. You know you have very beautiful eyes you know. Orchid replied. You look familiar as a certain guy under that cloak. Orchid replied. Aoi put a knife to Orchid. Hey, what is that girl talking about? Bara asked. Let's just say, I could expose his true identity anytime I feel like. Orchid replied. What the hell are you going on about? I asked. Orchid don't you dare. Megumi replied. Oh I know, after all, he isn't hurting anyone but himself and the person who cares about him the most. Orchid replied.

That night, I was wondering why I just let her get to me? I remember that girl too. Orchid replied. I can't believe this, she changed that easily? I asked. Well, we have to set her straight through violence. Orchid replied. Yeah, no. I replied. I forgot you don't have that old mindset anymore. Orchid replied. Yeah, I changed for the better. I replied. That was something I would do out of pent-up anger. I replied. When I got home, I just ran into my room and laid on my bed and thought about what would have happened if I never attacked an ignored. I thought.

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