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Last time, Aoi and Kaoru were drafted as examples to fight Bellona and Fumiyo. Aoi fought against Fumiyo. Fumiyo did some real damage to Aoi. Now it's Kaoru's turn. So I going up against the Amazon? Kaoru replied. You know you have been your mom too much. Bellona replied. I mean you are a "War Goddess" after all. Kaoru replied. Please stop provoking her. Aoi replied. Hey, Aoi right? Fumiyo asked. Yes? Aoi asked. She has always been a sarcastic smart allick. Kaoru knows how to back it up her trash talking people. Fumiyo replied. Kaoru summoned a sword. I see you inherited one of the Royal Weapons. Bellona replied. If I remember exactly, Shiniji(Haru/My Rare Treasure) bestowed you the second collection of his weapons. Bellona replied. What's wrong with my swords? Kaoru asked. Those swords have a side effects to its wielders. Bellona replied. Bellona summoned one of her swords. Bellona and Kaoru were fighting so fast no one couldn't see them. What the hell, they are almost on par with each other. Aoi replied. Yeah she is stronger than she looks. Fumiyo replied. To be honest she put a few slashes on Bellona actually. Fumiyo replied. Kaoru received more damage than her? Aoi asked. The great Hime Shura gave me a challenge today. Bellona replied. Wow Bellona put some heavy damage on her. She tries to be someone she is not. She is trying to out do her brother. Sakura replied. You know, Sakura I remember you and a few others who were in basic training with Kaoru and Ren. Kaoru isn't using her true strength. Fumiyo replied. What do you mean? Sakura asked. It's pretty damn obvious, those swords just manifest her powers. Aoi replied. What are you talking about, you are a new guy? Sakura asked. Let me drop some knowledge on you. Aoi replied. Their are ten clans that possess the Royal Weapons. They are kind of close to the cast system in a way. Aoi replied. The Emperor and Empress are the highest and most powerful as well. That girl finally learned how to wield them? Shiniji asked. Don't run off on me? Raven replied. Raven(Haru/My Rare Treasure) she's finally got the hang about what I taught her. Shiniji asked. Is that Kaoru? Wendy asked. Yeah is Wendy(Haru/My Rare Treasure).Shiniji replied. Aren't you a few of the Shinigami Squad? Aoi asked. Yup we were seven rejects slapped into group. Wendy replied. We heard commotion so we came. Wendy replied. The fight ended in a draw. It's been awhile Bellona. Shiniji replied. Raven, Shiniji and Wendy you came like I asked you. Bellona replied. You threaten all of us to come today. Wendy replied.

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