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Book One: Chapter 7: It Begins! Entering the Izanami's Elite! Part 2

The next day, Megumi called us in after school to discuss those people who bombarded into the Dojo.

So you are the leader whose ass I will beat? I asked. Hey, watch your mouth. You four get the hell out of here causing a damn scene. Megumi replied. Hey, practice what you preach. Natsumi replied. Don't even start with your smart remarks. Megumi replied. That is just Natsumi for you. Yoshi replied. Yoshi, I know that far too well. Megumi replied. Haru doesn't let that masked guy get to you, right. Natsumi replied. By the way, who is that guy? I asked. If we told you, you would think differently about that person. Orchid replied. Stop keeping secrets from me! I replied. Well, ladies go home for today. Megumi replied. As everyone went their separate ways, they all sensed they were being watched. When I was walking home, she felt the presences of the leader, Sayuri. What the hell is going on? I replied. You know I wonder how confident you are? Sayuri asked. You bastard I will kill you. I replied. As soon as I woke up I was in a self-created dimension. You know sneaking up on a girl is not a way to get her attention or her number. I replied. Also, he should beware the girls who have perceptive hearing and reflexes. I replied. I had a sword to Sayuri . He was confused asking "How did you?" I bet you are asking how did I put a dagger to your neck? I asked. Well, let me explain. I have the power of the Shadow Dragon Clan. That gives me the sight, sharp hearing and smell of a Wolf. I replied. Also, I am curious why are you wearing a cloak? What do you have to hide? I asked. If I were you, I would count on that ass to show his face anytime soon. Orchid replied. If you want to get out of the dimension, hurt the caster. Orchid replied. What? I asked. As so. Orchid replied. Orchid summoned a sword and cut Sayuri's arm. Did you break the barrier that easily? I asked. Yeah, if I didn't help you, you could have been stuck in here forever. Orchid replied. You. Sayuri replied. You know you shouldn't get so angry. Those honey brown eyes are more beautiful with a smile. Orchid replied. Orchid did you just say honey brown eyes? I asked.

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