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Last time, Kaoru went toe to toe with Bellona, The Goddess of War. It ended in draw. Everyone was shocked at what they saw. After the fight, Shiniji and the others came to congratulate Kaoru. Ally ran to see what happen. Oh my gosh what the hell happen to you two? Ally asked. Yeah what got you. Katsu asked. Bite me. Aoi replied. He is just aggravated that someone went toe to toe with him and beat him miserably. Fumiyo replied. Fumiyo! Ally yelled. I see you will never change. You act just like Yumi back when she was younger. Fumiyo replied. Wait you mean bitchy Yukimoto used to act like Ally? Aoi asked. Yeah she is like Ally but when she is around her friends. Rina(Haru/ My Rare Treasure) replied. I'm so sorry about talking about you. Aoi replied. You might not believe this but this is Rina, Yukimoto's twin sister. Kaoru replied. You are her sister, you act nothing like her. Aoi replied. Well she has always been serious about certain matters but she is worst than Yumi. She is like Ally times three. Rina replied. Can't imagine her like that. Aoi replied. Well let me fix your wounds. Oh yeah that bastard said he might make a surprise visit. Rina replied. So he is trying to get under my skin as he always does. Kaoru replied. Let's go to the infirmary, Aoi. Rina replied. Wait who is Ren really? Aoi asked. I heard about him. He is praised for accomplishments.I also heard he has a sister that lives in his shadow. Aoi replied. Your right, Kaoru lives in his shadow. After he left, she made her own name. The two shared the same last name that is all. He is Ren Shura and Kaoru is Hime Shura. Rina replied. Wait but their elements are different? Aoi asked. Yes as you know, Kaoru uses high advanced fire magic. His flames are the opposite of her's. His are like the light and hers is like the darkness. Rina replied. I see why she is the way she is. Aoi replied. Hey is Aoi ok? Ally asked. I'm doing fine is Kaoru alright? Aoi asked. I see you told him about Kaoru and Ren's relationship? Ally asked. I didn't know she was living in his shadow. Aoi replied. It has been like this since we were children. Ally replied. When he left, she finally made her own name. She wasn't Kaoru Koto who lived her brother's shadow. She became Hime Shura, one of the Ace's of Head Quarters. Ally replied. What is this surprised visit? Stay Tuned.

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