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Last time, Aaron and Mariah's date has begun and they ran into Kaori. Now Aaron is uneasy. Here is Part Two.

Aaron and Mariah started walking downtown. Aaron hears a voice and it says "Blaze". Mariah move out the way! Aaron yelled. Soon as Aaron turned,he saw *Hanamoyu once again. What the hell are you doing here. Aaron asked. So this white haired bimbo is your type of woman? Hanamoyu asked. What are you doing here? Aaron asked. Well you see I heard about this White haired girl before. She is supposed to have some kind of ancient power that can destroy anything she desires. So I came to take her now. Hanamoyu replied. She grabbed Mariah. Put her down Hanamoyu! Aaron yelled. Soon as Mariah was wrapped in her fire web. Mariah was telling herself not to use the ability she spoke of. I know you are trying to keep that power within right? Hanamoyu asked. It was like a storm of arrows came down and it cut Mariah out of the web. You know attacking the innocent is wrong. Virgo replied. You must be the Virgo? Hanamoyu asked. Yes I am, I won't let you put a finger on these two. Virgo replied. You are right, I can't defeat you right? Hanamoyu asked. Hey don't let her get to you Virgo. She might be have a value to us. Mammon replied. You know I don't want to hear that coming from a demon who gives into greed. Virgo replied. You know you could let that all slide. Mammon replied. I don't know what is going on but can we retreat now? Aaron asked. Go on an finish your date. Virgo replied. Yeah have a great time. Mammon replied. Even though we might have different outlooks we have a similar objective right now. Mammon replied. You are right, taking this girl down. Virgo replied. Soon as Aaron and Mariah ran, they heard a big explosion. It seems like they knew us? Aaron replied. Your right, but let's finish the date before my parents start worrying. Mariah replied. Sure as long as your father doesn't come. Aaron replied. Yeah that is true. Mariah replied. Aaron started blushed as Mariah pulled close to his arm. This is the end of Part Two.

Hanamoyu is a character from Book One. She was one of the main antagonist of Book One Part Four.

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