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Book One: Chapter 8: Natsumi is trapped in Hyakunichisou Void Part 1

Last time Sayuri the leader of Izanami Elite was trying to test Haru it seems. Orchid said "Golden Honey Eyes"? What is up with that?

After Haru got home, her parents came up to her asking if she why she was scared shaking. What are you talking about mom and dad? Haru asked. What happened to you on the way home? Gabriel asked. Mom and Dad, didn't you say you went to school with a guy with the most beautiful brown eyes? Haru asked. Yeah, it is my childhood friend, Aoishi. Alexandra replied. Do you mean that guy has in for me to this very day? Gabriel replied. What color are his eyes? Haru asked. He has honey brown eye color, why? Alexandra asked. That is all I want to know. Haru replied. When Aoi got home he was in pain. What the hell happened to your arm? Izanami asked. That fragment stabbed me in the arm. Aoi replied. Were you trying to see what you are messing with? Izanami asked. That fragment also saw my eyes. Aoi replied. No one is to know what you really look like. Izanami replied. I'll treat my arm injury. Aoi replied. I heard you got hurt, leader. Botan replied. Is that really you? Botan asked. Yes, and you can't tell anyone else about this. Aoi replied. I see what that fragment was talking about. They are really honey golden eyes. Botan replied. Aoi had a blank stare with a cranky face. Yeah, I look like the guy I despise. Aoi replied. Well, let me help you out with that. Botan replied. Did the other prey the other two? Aoi asked. Yeah, I wonder how this will work out? Aoi asked. As soon as Natsumi was walking home, she was ambushed by Hyakunichisou. So you people will do almost anything to get in our way huh? Natsumi asked. We were told to silence you and that Haru and saltwater fish. Hyakunichisou replied. Natsumi dropped her book bag. She ran and kick Hyakunichisou in the face. You little bitch you kicked me in my pretty face. Hyakunichisou replied. Did I hit a nerve? Natsumi asked. I like you, you don't care what you do. Hyakunichisou replied. The feeling is mutual, sweetheart. Natsumi replied. What is the hell is going on out there?! Mashiro yelled. No, it can't be. Mashiro mumbled. What is going on? Natalie asked. Natsumi get out of there! Mashiro yelled. What do you mean? Natsumi asked. Seal of the Royals! Hyakunichisou yelled. Soon after Natsumi vanished. Dad, what is wrong? Akihiko asked. I have to save your sister. I know where she was sent off to! Mashiro yelled. Mashiro ran outside.

Natsumi! Mashiro yelled. Who the hell are you? Hyakunichisou asked. Wow, it has been years hasn't Mashiro? Megumi asked. Miki tell me why did you not stop her from swallowing Natsumi in her damn void! Mashiro yelled. You know you can get pissed off all you want. Megumi replied. You need to trust your daughter. Megumi replied. She will get herself out of it I know it. Megumi replied. Where am I? Natsumi asked. Welcome to my world. Hyakunichisou replied. What the hell did you do to my body? Natsumi asked. Why don't you look for yourself? Hyakunichisou asked. Natsumi turned her head and she saw her body. She was dead. What the hell did you do to me? Natsumi asked. Well, I ripped your soul out of your body. Hyakunichisou replied. You make it seem like it's alright. Natsumi replied. Well since we are here the ten flowers represent your life. Hyakunichisou replied. After all ten are gone I am stuck here, forever? Natsumi asked. What will happen if I win? What will happen to you? Natsumi asked. I will not die, I am Izanami's Elite! Hyakunichisou yelled. Well, I am sorry but I will not lose either. I have people are concerned about me. Natsumi replied. Natsumi transformed into a form that no one ever saw. She had a strapless white bikini top and black kobakama with black boots. She also had a scarlet uwa-obi around her waist. Natsumi unsheathed her sword and pointed her sword in her face. "I will defeat you Hyakunichisou!" Natsumi yelled. Natsumi declared that she will defeat Hyakunichisou and leave her void in one piece.

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