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Haru/My Rare Treasure

Last time, Haru was so happy hearing about someone helping with the battle against Izanami. After school, Haru and the girls join up at Megumi's Dojo. Hey you all it has been a while since we met up. Megumi replied. What were you hiding from us? Natsumi asked. Well Ms. Eager, you are right I was hiding some thing from you. It was the fact I know who you are going to face. Megumi replied. What are on going on about? Haru asked. Well you see, going you are going to face their aces. Megumi replied. You mean we are going against their elite? Natsumi asked. Yes and you need to be ready for any attacks they are going to pull. Megumi replied. So they will pull any trick they can? Yoshi asked. I call that cowardly. Natsumi replied. It is cowardly in my eyes as well. Haru replied. Yeah like for example, we have a spy in our presences! Haru yelled. Haru summoned a shuriken and threw in at the wall. I know you are in here somewhere. You don't want me to find so come out this instant. Haru replied. Come out, if the Amazon wreck my Dojo in any fashion Izanami is paying the bill for a new one! Megumi yelled. Why do you call her an Amazon? Yoshi replied. You never want to witness her in anger. Megumi replied. What do you mean? Natsumi asked. You see she caste me off into a tangible form. I am her hatred and malice. Orchid replied. What?! Natsumi and Yoshi yelled. Yes I am, I just chose to become a servant who serves her to my full ability. You don't look like you could raise any hell or violent. Yoshi replied. Yeah the hell she can. if those two fuse she together, Haru becomes very terrifying beyond belief. Megumi replied. That is why I don't want you to fuse. Megumi replied. I know you don't want that to happen. Orchid replied. I thought you were a ordinary girl that was with Haru. Natsumi replied. No I am her hatred and malice, that is all. Orchid replied. While Orchid and the others were talking, Haru found the spy. I never thought I would ever see you ever again. Haru replied. Who is this person Haru is talking about? Stay Tuned.

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