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Last time, Ren made a surprise visit to HQ. Everyone was happy for his visit except our heroine, Kaoru and her friend Ally. For some reason, he seems familiar with Aoi. Well never thought they would let a bloodthirsty man into HQ. Ren replied. Oh is you ego bruised by little old me? Aoi asked. The Shinigami* that HQ was having one hell of a time finding. Fuuka replied. You let a criminal in our ranks? Fuuka asked. Well I made him join actually after all his mother made him as a form of punishment. Kagura replied. Lady Bellona why would you let him join? Fuuka asked. Ever heard of the Shinigami Squad? Bellona asked. Yes I have they were a bunch of misfits the higher ups created to clean up others messes. Fuuka replied. Have you ever heard of the sin of Luxuria? Bellona asked. Yes I know that is on of the Seven Christian Virtues. Fuuka replied. What are they? Bellona asked. They consist of Acedia or Tristitia Avaritia, Gula, Invidia, Luxuria and Superbia. Fuuka replied. Well his mother was the sin of Luxuria. Bellona replied. So you come a long line of sinners after all. Ren replied. Well I bought you lunch like you pestered me to do. Aoi replied. I will take that as, I bought you lunch and I hope you like what I bought you, Kaoru. Kaoru replied. You two are perfect for each other. Ally replied. You are right about that. Katsu replied. Let's order our food. Ally replied. Come on Tomoe. Rumiko replied. Well I see my sister are perfect for each other. Both are brutes who use violence to solve their problems. Ren replied. Oh my, I don't know what came over me? Kaoru replied. You damn well, you threw a steak knife at Ren and tried to slip his throat. Fuuka replied. It's not like you can beat me, Kaoru. Ren replied. Want to test that theory? Kaoru asked. Ren stop this, I hate to tell you this but Kaoru is strong than last time. Ally replied. It's not like you could take me either. Ren replied. Oh yeah like I said before, "You might have everyone with that self righteous attitude of yours". Kaoru and I know you better than anyone else here. Ally replied.Ally glared at Ren replied.Other than Kaoru, I have no mercy for others. You know that too well right, Ren. Ally replied. Ally walked off to get her food. What the hell, why did you threaten him? Tsuki asked. I hate to tell you this but he is more terrified of me than Kaoru right now. Ally replied. Why is he afraid Ally? How will Kaoru approach this fight? Stay Tuned.

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