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Last time, Aaron finally getting the chance to get to kiss Mariah, the girl he has had feelings for since they were children. Then *Himura came out and ready to attack Aaron but she saw Mariah. Oh my, never thought I would ever see you again, after all I did give you no mercy. Mariah replied. Why you little! Himura yelled. I am sorry, I can't let you interfere tonight. Sam replied. Who the hell are you? Himura asked. Well I am one of the people who will stop you frominterfering tonight. Sam replied. As Aaron and Mariah hear another voice from around the corner. She is right, you are going to deal with us. Kaori replied. Kaoru,Natasha and Sam appeared and were transformed for battle. So another criminal and he friends came here to fight for this low life scavenger? Himura asked. Nice seeing you too. Natasha replied. You two finish your date alright, we will keep her at bay. Sam replied. Thank you, you guys I hope you show that girl no mercy! Mariah yelled. Aaron and Mariah ran away and saw the festival starting to end. We missed everything because Himura interfered with tonight plan. Aaron replied. I really don't care about that Aaron. Mariah replied. Are you serious? Aaron replied. Aaron I like you for you not the other way around. Mariah kissed Aaron. Everyone in the crowd was so happy. They were saying you finally mustard the to courage to confess your feeling towards her after all these years. Allen replied. Is that you Allen? Aaron asked. Allen walked off waving his hand putting his hands in his jacket pockets. Do you know that guy? Mariah replied. Let's just say he is the reason why I left Himura side. Aaron replied. Aaron and Mariah walked off and then they hear, "Don't tell me that she supposed to be a challenge?" Himura asked. Himura threw Sam in front of Aaron and Mariah. Sam! Aaron yelled. You bitch! Aaron replied. Don't let her phase you. I will take her off her high pedestal. Mariah replied. So you are going to use that ancient power you possess? Himaru asked. What is this ancient power? This is the end of Part Three. Next time will conclude their date entirely. Stay Tuned.

Himura is a villain from Book One. She was working with Aaron, James and Keenan as the The Three Terrors.

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