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Haru/My Rare Treasure

Last time, Haru found a spy in the dojo. She seem familiar with him. I would have never thought they would have had you spy on us? Haru asked. It's not like you all will win against Izanami's elite. Tsubaki replied. Well I am sorry you are sadly mistaken but we all will come out victorious. Haru replied. You say that Haru Higashiyama, but I now know about girl is you powers. Tsubaki replied. I mean you could try to attack me but by instinct she will attack you. Haru replied. Hey Haru, do you know the enemy is all around this place? Orchid asked. Now I have, how long did you now this? Haru replied. Well for the last twenty minutes we have been here. Orchid replied. You know you could have told all of this! Haru yelled. Hey don't yell at me bitch! Orchid replied. Hey ladies, yelling at each other won't solve anything. I know who sent Tsubaki. Megumi replied. Who could that be? Natsumi asked. Well it seems like this Botan's work in play. Megumi replied. Wow so you haven't really aged have you Miki? Botan asked. I see you dress like a little skank. Megumi replied. I am not a skank for your information. Botan replied. I see from all these weaklings. It seems this one would put up a descant fight. Botan replied. Are you talking about me? Yoshi asked. You are a cocky one I see? Botan replied. I'm just saying you are challenging me. I will make you wish you never met me. Yoshi replied. Botan stop picking fights with weaklings. Hyakunichisou replied. So you two are here. Where is the other two? Megumi asked. Oh wow, never thought I would see you ever again? Bara asked. You three are here, where is your leader? Megumi replied. He has no time for you girls, only to face Haru Higashiyama. Bara replied. Haru walks up and says, "So you boss wants me?" So this little girl is a major threat? Bara asked. Do you really want to try me? Haru asked. What will happen next? Stay Tuned. Do not get the flower Botan mixed up with the female character Botan from Yu Yu Hakusho.

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