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Last time, Aaron finally got his chance with Mariah. He got to kiss the girls of his dreams. After that, Himura came after Aaron for his betrayal from Book One. He brutally beat up Sam. Aaron gotten angry enough to fight her. Instead Mariah chose to fight her. You little bitch you will ever change, you will always try to punish someone if ta person defies you. Mariah replied. Uh did she just get angry? Aaron replied. I'm not surprised you haven't heard or seen her angry. Sam replied. She is always nice and sweet. Aaron replied. The reason you never seen this side is because everyone is always on her good side. Sam replied. What is she capable of? Aaron replied. Remember how long she was at the Battle Royale? Sam asked. Yeah she is stronger than any girl I've spared with. Aaron replied. Think of her right now as that time three. Sam replied. Sam are you ok? Natasha asked. I have felt better. Sam replied. Can I ask you a question? Kaori asked. Go ahead. Sam replied. Has Mariah always been strong as in fights bare handed? Kaori asked. This might shock all of you but our happy joy lucky Mariah use to be a delinquent. Sam replied. What the hell! Natasha yelled. I can image it, she kind of reminds me of Ami. That girl is more terrifying than me. Kaori replied. Really? Sam asked. Yeah am a demon myself. One of these days you will witness her wrath. Kaori replied. Himura summoned a sword and slashed Mariah. Why you little bitch, you asked for it. Mariah replied. So you are going to use one of the ancient arts? Himura asked. Mariah is bleeding! Natasha yelled. Natasha I am fine believe me, I wouldn't let those slashes take me down so easily. Mariah replied. Flames engulf around her and she whispers "Imperatrix Draco ruber". What the hell I never seen transform into that form before. Natasha replied. She doesn't really use that form very much. Sam replied. Mariah was wearing a strapless crimson red top that stopped at above her bellybutton. She had crismon colored loose pants and wearing Crimson Jutti. Mariah summoned a sword as well. So you think you are going to intimidate me? Himura asked. Mariah vanished. Where did she vanish off too? Sam replied. Mariah appeared and slashed her with her sword. What hell does that from do? Himura asked. Now you know that old saying "Every lady has her secrets" Mariah replied. I won't lose to you. Himura replied. Let's see who will fall down first? Mariah replied. Stay Tuned. This is the end of the Aaron and Mariah's date. Now we are reaching the next arc in the book. Imperatrix Draco ruber is Empress of the Crimson Dragon in Latin

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