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Last time, the boys bought the girls lunch. As soon as the six started eating, Ichiko(Haru/My Rare Treasure) came down the stairs. People in the cafeteria started whispering. Soon as she got down the steps, she was directly at Kaoru and the others. Well I see one the Ten Generals want something, I can tell in your eyes. Kaoru replied. What do you Ichiko? Kaoru asked. Well I see your presetive as ever. You six are going on your first mission. You six are going to keep the *Dissectum equites Mundi from coming into infiltrate HQ. Ichiko replied. She called them? People were gossiping. Oh so you all are not capable to keep them away? Katsu replied. I want you Rumiko and Tomoe to go to the east side of HQ. I want Ally and Katsu to go to the west side. Lastly, I want Aoi and Kaoru to go to the north side. Ichiko replied. Alright we are going up against the Dissectum equites Mundi. Kaoru replied. Aren't they known for their strenght? Katsu asked. Yes and also me and their leader has a score to settle. Kaoru replied. I have a score to settle with her first in command. Aoi replied. Also don't go destroying HQ by all means. Yes ma'am. Kaoru and the others replied. Go and fight! Ichiko yelled. The six ran off to where they were told to go. *Dissectum equites Mundi means Crimson Blade Knights in Latin What will happen next? I will be back in the start of the second arc. See you next time!!!

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