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Last time, Kaoru has finished her fight with her Virtus. Now Aoi is about to have his turn fighting. You have lost already, we have someone infiltrated this place as we speak. Virtus replied. Yeah about that, we have a squad called Shinigami Squad. Those seven deadly sins are force to be reckon with. Kaoru replied. What are you talking about? Antonio asked. Wait do you mean that group Shiniji and the others are in? Aoi asked. Yes they are more powerful than they look. ...Kaoru replied. I bet they are plotting to taking you bastards out as we speak. Kaoru replied. You talk a lot for the girl who is injured. Aoi replied. Are you ok? Aoi asked. Aoi turn around! Kaoru yelled. Why? Aoi asked. Antonio has a sword about to attack! Kaoru yelled. Aoi summoned a sword fast. I hate to tell you this Antonio but I know how you and your little buddy work. Aoi replied. You use the arts of Invidia. Aoi replied. That girl over there uses Superbia. Aoi replied. You need to pay attention to your fight. Kaoru replied. Oh who said I was paying attention to my fight. Aoi replied. Antonio came at him to cut him. Aoi kicked him in the stomach. I will take you to the infirmary. Aoi replied. At that moment, I felt like he cared about my well-being. Kaoru thought. This bastard is just in the way. Aoi replied. Antonio blocked the attack but was pushed back. Antonio summoned his sword that was similar to Kaoru's Sword of Invidia. Aoi summoned a sword as well. Their sword fight was unreal. It looked like that were defying logic and sound barrier as well. After the last slash, sheathed his sword and Antonio fell down on his face. Antonio asked Aoi asked a question.You know you finally care about someone other than yourself? Antonio asked. I can be an asshole at times towards others but I have a humanity, Antonio. Let's just say my reasons I have humility is my little secret. Aoi replied. I am curious to why he is the way he is? Kaoru thought. As she thought about it, he held her princess hold to the infirmary.

Did something come over Aoi?

Stay Tuned.

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