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Last time, Mariah was eating at Aaron and Sam's house eating Sea Paella. Afterwards, Mariah left on her way home, she ran into Natasha walking in the left to the park in their neighborhood. Hey Natasha, why are you heading to the park? Mariah asked. I know what I heard, she is here. Natasha replied. Who is this girl she is talking? Mariah thought. Soon as Mariah heard a young girls voice in the direction of the park, she followed the sound and she saw a girl with long dark blonde hair with pale skin. "She changed from a ruthless killer". So it was who I thought. It was you Emiko. Natasha replied. What is going on? Mariah thought. Natasha glared. It's been awhile and you greet me with a glare? Emiko asked. I have not a thing to say to you. Natasha replied. Kaori woke up out her sleep. She rushed and put clothes and ran down the stairs. What the hell are you running down the stairs at this time of night? Jeremy asked. Why are you still up? Kaori asked. This is my house I can do whatever the hell I please. Jeremy replied. Well lets not argue, do you feel that? Kaori asked. Yeah I have ever since she snuck out the house from her window. Jeremy replied. Just say it, Jeremy "Can you please save Natasha" Kaori replied. Do that please? Jeremy asked. Soon as Kaori ran outside, she ran as fast as she could. Soon as she reached Natasha, she saw Mariah. What are you doing here, Kaori? Natasha asked. So you are the infamous, Kaori Higashiyama?Honako asked. Who the hell are you? Kaori replied. A guy jumped down behind Mariah and put his hands on her waist. Who the hell are you? Mariah asked. Well the White-haired is adorable. I hope she isn't taken? Katsu asked. Well I am sorry to disappoint you but I am taken. Mariah replied. I wonder what happen if I try something tricks on you. Katsu asked. What kind tricks are you speaking of? Mariah replied. This is what I was talking about. Katsu replied. He jumped off her for some reason. I am sorry but I can let you touch my lady and mistress. Akio replied. So you are one of the Fire Empress Knights? Katsu asked. We have started off with new enemies. What will happen next?

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