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Haru/My Rare Treasure

Last time, Natsumi declared that she will defeat Hyakunichisou and leave her void in one piece. So you really think you can win my game? Hyakunichisou asked. I don't think I know. Natsumi replied. Her void is like Megumi's Dojo. Natsumi thought. Outside the void her father, Mashiro is praying that she makes it out alive. You said I have ten flowers resembling my lie source right? Natsumi asked. You are right, I can and will win in my domain. Hyakunichisou replied. As Hyakunichisou was gloating to Natsumi about not leaving. Natsumi sped up and unsheath her sword. You think you can cut me down with such a weak attack strategy. Hyakunichisou replied. Who said the attack was weak? Natsumi replied. Natsumi vanished and she slashed her sword and she saying "Wrath of Enyo". What the hell? She cut me. Hyakunichisou thought. How did you cut me? Hyakunichisou asked. Well if I attack the caster, he or she will lose their concentration and the attack won't be in full powers. Natsumi replied. No one has ever cut me and I won't tolerate it. Hyakunichisou replied and as she glared at Natsumi. You can glare at me all you want, it won't phase me. Natsumi replied. Hyakunichisou unsheathed her sword and the attack cut Natsumi. What the hell was that? Natsumi asked. Wow two four huh? Hyakunichisou asked. Don't act like that shit all cool, what was that attack just now? Natsumi asked. Well my dear Natsumi, that attack is called Eurus. Hyakunichisou replied. So you use advanced attacks big deal. Natsumi replied. Outside, Mashiro is getting angry. Mashiro calm down even thought Eurus is a deadly attack, if she gets attacked again. Megumi replied. Shut up, I can't just can't watch her struggle like this. Mashiro replied. Back in the void. How did she not get any damage? Natsumi thought. I can't take this anymore! Mashiro yelled. Mashiro summoned a sword and slashed Hyakunichisou's Void. So someone of an elite class cracked my Void? Hyakunichisou asked. Who cracked her barrier? Natsumi asked. Mashiro, did you put a crack in her Void? Megumi asked. Believe I could have shattered it completely. Mashiro asked. Why does I feel I know this presence? Natsumi asked.

This is the end of part 2. Stay Tuned for what will happen next.

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