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Last time, Ally and Katsu were assigned the position of going to the west side to protect HQ. So we found a worthy opponents, Honos. Enyo replied. You are right. Honos replied. I'm sorry but we can't let wanna be gods to attack HQ. Ally replied. What did you call us? Honos asked. Well wanna be god and goddess. If I remember, Honos is supposed to be a god of honor. Yes I do embody that and I will not be looked down on by a low life as of you. Honos replied. Enyo is supposed to be a goddess of war. Especially the busty blonde that has an attitude. Enyo replied. What did you just call me, I will show you what this blonde can do to you! Ally replied. Katsu holds Ally back. Don't let her provoke you, that is what she wants you act like this. Katsu replied. I want blondie. Enyo replied. Ally jumped in the air and summoned her halberd, Ferrum in Avaritia. So you wield a nasty weapon over there. Enyo replied. Enyo summoned her weapon and cut Ally's arm. How do you like that? Oops I went to far I cut you arm and a little bit of that blouse. Enyo replied. Ally switched out her weapon again and summoned duel blades. So you want to play? Enyo replied. We can't let the ladies have all the fun. Honos replied. Honos ran up and cut Katsu across the chest. This is what they sent to stop us? Honos asked. A sword was thrown and it was lodged in Honos' arm. Let's go. Honos replied. I am not just a swordsman. I am also an archer as well. Katsu replied. So you are worth the fight? Honos replied. Katsu ran and punched Honos in the face. Wow you have guts to be hitting a god. Ally replied. As you said before wanna be gods right? Katsu replied.

This is Part One of Ally and Katsu's fight. Stay Tuned.

Ferrum in Avaritia is Latin for Halbed of Greed

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