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Last time, Ally and Katsu's battle with Enyo and Honos has just begun. Why you little you dare scratch a god and goddess? Honos asked. Yes I would especially the goddess who thinks she better than me. Ally replied. Ally summoned a sword and Enyo yelled "Come and be punished by the gods!" Soon as their weapons touched a big aftershock happened. The woman were fighting so fast that they almost broke the sound barrier. Damn I know I heard the rumors but she is terrifying up close. Katsu replied. Don't just stand their and watch! Fight me low life! Honos yelled. You dare put wounds on a goddess? Enyo asked. Bring up anything about being a goddess once again, I will cut you throat and rip out you vocal cords. Ally replied. Oh Honos, that is not a empty threat. Ally replied. You would actually rip her vocal cords out? Katsu asked. After this all over, just ask Kaoru how cruel I can be. Ally replied. How is it that she has minor injuries but I have more injuries. Enyo thought. I bet you are thinking, "How does she have less wounds then I?" Ally asked. I'll answer your question. The sword I just summoned is called Temptress of Greed. It was once a blade that took down the demon lord, Shinku. Ally replied. Wait that sword killed that demon lord? Katsu asked. Yes, the woman killed him and took his wealth. Ally replied. You see wannabe goddess, the blade is sharp enough to do more than wound it could cut your head and limbs off with no effort. Ally replied. Is that so? Look at the trees that other objects around our fight they have been cut. Ally replied. How dangerous is this girl? Enyo thought.

What will happen next?

This is the end of Ally vs. Enyo Part Two.

Shinku mean crimson in Japanese clean. .

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