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Haru/My Rare Treasure

Last time, Natsumi found out about her father is not a human. The next day,it was after school and Natsumi was walking to Megumi's Dojo. When she walked inside she seemed kind of out of it. Haru walked over to see what was wrong with Natsumi. Hey Natsumi, are you alright? Haru asked. Yeah I am, you don't have to worry about me. Natsumi replied with a smile. Let me guess you found out the truth about your father? Megumi asked. How do you know about it? Natsumi asked. Well your father is full of mysteries. Megumi replied. Your father has a high status among demons. Haru replied. What do you mean? Natsumi asked. Well he is known for his swordsmanship. Haru replied. Then again he stopped fight all together, no one knows why? Haru asked. I know why. Megumi replied. Why? Natsumi replied. It is because he fell in love with your mother and gave his powers to live a peaceful life without violence with your mother. Megumi replied. That sounds so sweet he gave up everything to live a peaceful life so he could settle down. Haru replied. That is so adorable right? Megumi replied. Now we have to talk about the Voids they are casting to trap all of us. Haru replied. I know my soul was ripped out of my body while my real body was outside. Natsumi replied. They have attacked Haru and Natsumi so far. Megumi replied. When Haru,Megumi and Natsumi were talking,Yoshi was walking inside the door. Hey you guys. Yoshi replied. What are you talking about? Yoshi asked. How and where we were ambushed and attacked. Natsumi replied. Yoshi you are the only one that hasn't been attacked. Natsumi replied.You are right, I am next. Yoshi replied. I am curious to how they attack you all one by one? Yoshi asked. I was attacked on the way home. Haru replied. How did you escape? Yoshi asked. I wounded the caster. Haru replied. I did the same but I had some assistance from outside cracking the void. Natsumi replied. Who is the one that is left? Haru asked. I think it is Bara I believe. Natsumi replied. I wonder why she hasn't ambushed you yet? Haru asked. I have no clue but lets keep it like that. Yoshi replied in caution.I have a feeling, she is going to have an audience to expose you. Haru replied. You are right, she is going to expose and have a big crowd watch you be tortured in such a way it is unreal. Megumi replied. Why are you coming to that conclusion? Yoshi asked. I know how girls like her work. Megumi replied. Do any of you know what Bara or the White Rose's meaning in Hanakotoba do you? Megumi asked. What does Bara mean? What will happen next? Stay Tuned.

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