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Haru/My Rare Treasure

Last time, Yoshi was thinking about Haru and Natsumi's response to what Bara was going to do to her. Then Megumi asked an question, "Do any of you know what Bara or the White Rose means?". I am still curious to what it means. Hey Yoshi are you thinking about what Megumi asked. Haru asked. Yeah am wondering what it means too. Natsumi asked. Hey Natsumi you have to go home for practice. Mashiro replied. Mr. Asai do you know what Bara means? Yoshi asked. It means devotion, why do you ask? Mashiro replied. You see what I mean. Megumi replied. So she is so devoted she would take down someone and not care if they are alive or dead. Yoshi replied. Yeah I remember when that girl before she met that evil woman. Megumi replied. So I have to stay alert about my surroundings. Yoshi replied. Are the people who trapped Natsumi after you? Mashiro asked. They have come after all of us one by one. They haven't got to Yoshi yet. Natsumi replied. I think I know why. Mashiro replied. From the way they attacked Natsumi I could tell how they work. They are going to attack you at school but you won't know that you are caught in her void. Mashiro replied. Are you implying I will unconsciously be sent in her void world? Yoshi replied. It is an ancient technique the Shadow Dragon's use to do to humans who kicked them off their land. Mashiro replied. I don't know much about that you might have to ask one the older Shadow Dragons about the technique. Mashiro replied. A girl with blonde hair and fare skin came into the door asking where can I find Hira Academy? Lillth asked. Yeah it is twenty minutes from here on the train here. Yoshi replied. Why do you need to know where it is? Yoshi asked. We have a musical recital in a few hours. Lilth replied. I am sorry where are my manners, my name is Lillith Ferreira and this is my shy friend Marina Le Goff. Lillith replied. Thank you, we might see each other around. Lillith replied. As Lillith left, Marina looked at Yoshi. Are they really having a recital at your school? Yeah the art students having one in the Fall,Spring and Summer. Yoshi replied. I never participate so I really don't care. Yoshi replied. That girl that looked at Yoshi I felt something was off about her. Natsumi replied.

Who are those girls?

Stay Tuned

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