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Haru/My Rare Treasure

Last time, Yoshi was curious to how Bara was going to attack her. She was discussing this matter with Haru, Megumi and Natsumi. Her father came in and explain somethings. Then a girl and her friends appeared. The next day after school, Yoshi was cautious because she know where Bara was going to come out. As she was walking down the street to Megumi's Dojo, she brushed past Marina Le Goff and she said. "Are you willing and devoted enough to commit a sin?" Yoshi turned around and Marina wasn't there. As soon as she looked everything was distorted. Yoshi was caught! Natsumi yelled. Shit I knew she was going to do something but she must have said a chant or something. Megumi replied. I am sorry but I can't let you ladies interfere in her world of embarrassment and torture. Lillith replied. After all the meaning of the white rose is silence, devotion and innocence. Lillith replied. Lillith isn't who she is. Megumi replied. Those girl's real names are Lillith and Marina but you know them as Bara and Botan. Megumi replied. You knew that already? Haru asked. Yes but I never thought they would try to go to school to get to Yoshi. Megumi replied. You two are going to pay big time for this. Haru replied. You are what army? Botan replied. You are surrounded by every corner. Botan replied. Damn you are right. Haru replied. I can help with that. Megumi replied. Megumi summoned a sword. I call forth the light of the maiden! Megumi yelled. I summon Megami no hikari. Megumi replied. Botan that weapon is one of the ancient relics. If the blades are as powerful as they say, that is as worst. Emi replied. Why are you shaken? Botan asked. I have seen her before and used that blade. Meanwhile in the void, Bara introduces herself and say lets play a game and you are it. Bara replied. Why is she so happy? Yoshi thought. Yoshi looked down and she didn't realize she was tied up with thread. What the hell is this thread? Yoshi asked. Nice observation but no this is hair. Bara replied. Rope and other arts are not as fun to use. Bara replied. Let me go! Yoshi yelled. I'm afraid I can't do that, I was told to make up unnoticeable. Bara replied. So now I see, you are blindly devoted lap dog to that woman, Izanami. Yoshi replied. What will Yoshi do next? Stay Tuned.

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