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Current News

I will be posting until next Sunday.

Haru/My Rare Treasure: Ichiko rushed to Megumi's Dojo to tell them what she saw. Sayuri appeared and about to fight Ichiko but, Haru transformed and about to fight Sayuri.

Natasha: Mana runs out to find out who is about to attack Karin and her family. She transformed and as soon as she was about to fight, a mysterious guy appears and takes them out. Mana feels like she has met him before.

Kaoru: Aoi is shown being nice to one of the maids children. Katsu believes at one point he was like that at one time.That night that Kastu got drunk has come to Ally's thoughts. Katsu threatens her to not tell anyone. Aoi saw Ally's scared face. Aoi takes Katsu over to side to talk to him. Yukimoto appears.

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