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Jeremy's Back Story

On a calm afternoon, Natasha went down to her father's study. I have finally finished it. Jeremy replied.Hey dad, I always wanted to ask you something.Natasha replied. Yes what could that be? Jeremy asked. Where do you get the information for your novels? Natasha asked. Why do you ask? Jeremy asked. When you read it, it is like you are right there feeling what the main character feels. Natasha replied. It's because those stories are true, they are about my life from the time I was child up to adulthood. Jeremy replied. Later that night, Natasha was fighting off Hiiro and she then attacked Natasha. When Natasha woke up, she ran into a teenage boy with bruises all over his body. Jeremy, are you ok? Ai asked. Mom I'm fine, you should worry about yourself and your happiness. Jeremy replied. Wait only my dad says such things as that. Natasha thought. Who is there?! Jeremy yelled. Natasha came out the bushes. Jeremy looked at her and was astonished. Natasha started holding her side. Hey who are you? Jeremy asked. I will tell you my name soon as a stitch my wound up. Natasha replied. Stay Tuned.

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