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Jeremy's Back Story

Last time, Natasha was talking to her father about what motivated him to write his novels. Afterwards Natasha fights and ended up in a old Japan.

Hey have you seen, Natasha? Kaori asked. No I haven't, I thought she was with you. Jeremy replied. She fought now the both of us have to find her. Kaori replied. Wait I have a feeling she sent her there. Kaori replied. Why would she send her there? Jeremy asked. Meanwhile, Natasha are getting stitched up, Jeremy asked her questions. Who are you? Why are your eyes emerald green? Your asking too many questions. Natasha replied. First my name is Natasha Higashiyama and I am your daughter. Now I know how my dad feels when I use to ask a million questions. Natasha replied. If you are my daughter, then how did you end up here? Jeremy asked. I fought some girl who has the power over space and time. Natasha replied. You lady it seems like you messed up and had fought a child of that beast. Ai replied. Wait if I am correct your older sister fought her and the beast screamed for mercy. Ai replied. I hear about that, Kaori is tough guy but has her girly moments. Natasha replied. How do you know Kaori? Jeremy asked. Well she has been alive for years but prefers to keep her distance. She and Takeru both want to keep it that way. Natasha replied. Why are you bringing up that Casanova up? Jeremy asked. Stop calling him a Casanova, he is one of the predecessors f the Shadow Dragon Clans to the South. Ai replied. Young lady I don't know who you are but you look Kaori with your straight hair and attitude too. My dad tells me that too. Natasha replied. Where is that cursed child! I know he stole that Rose of Onyx. Mayor yelled. What are you saying, the Rose of Onyx is my necklace. I have been looking for it. Ai replied. Show proof of it. Mayor replied. The necklace is hers, it has something engraved on the back of it. Natasha replied. What are you talking about? Another child cursed with those green eyes. Mayor replied. I hate to tell you this but those who have eyes of jewelry are usually catch the eyes of the royalty. Natasha replied. What could that child be talking about? Ai was in shock and scared. Where could Natasha being going with this? Stay Tuned.

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