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Rumiko's Story

Last time, A guy from Rumiko's past comes and attacks her. Everyone and Tomoe is concerned. He called her by the name, Chiyo.

What are you talking about, Rumiko? Tomoe asked. Tomoe my real name isn't Rumiko. Rumiko replied. Wait why did he call you Chiyo?Kaoru asked. It is pretty obvious who she is. Chi replied. Who in the hell are you? Tomoe asked. You know Chiyo, why are you letting him talk to me like that? Chi asked. Back off Tomoe, Chi and Guren and I grew up together. Rumiko replied. Rumiko is just the name the queen named me. My real middle name is Chiyo. Rumiko replied. Chiyo sounds so cute. Ally replied. Chiyo is too cute of a name for that tomboy. Tomoe replied. Rumiko summoned her sword and Tomoe moved swiftly. You bastard. Rumiko replied. Chiyo I see you moved on up. Chi replied. What brings you up her? Rumiko asked. Well to search for Guren. He has caused some trouble since he heard you worked for the Mission Guard. Chi replied. Oh I just fought him. Rumiko replied. What you survived? Chi asked. I know but I am not the same as I used to be. It is not like we're kids. Rumiko replied. Some one ran up to Rumiko. Are you Rumiko, Princess of Dragons? Ri asked Yes I am. Rumiko replied. I saw when you defeated that monster in Autumn Village. How is that village doing? Rumiko asked. The festival is coming up, they are having a play too. Ri replied. What is it? Rumiko asked. The play's name is "The Tale of Crimson Dragon Queen". Ri replied. Are you ok, you look scared. Ri replied. Rumiko collapsed. Hey Rumiko are you alright? Kaoru asked. Some call a doctor! Chi yelled.

Stay Tuned.

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