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Teru's Past: Part Three

When I heard that Ayame was defending me I thought I was weird in a sense. I replied. Why would you think that is weird? Shigeko asked. Well at that time being considered free was a wild fantasy. I replied. Kiioribara called me out and said I had a customer. Yes my lady . I replied. Now give her a night she will remember. Kiiroibara replied. I blindly obeyed Kiioribara. I showed her where to go. I talked to her and then I slept with her. That night, I saw her clothes and to find out that she was a undercover servant of the Royal Family. I thought. I summoned a dagger. She pulled out a dagger as well. Shit. I whispered. She knocked my dagger out my hand and put my arm behind my back. Are you saying you were cornered? Yuu asked. Let me finish it is my story. I replied. She put a danger to my throat and asked "Is that how you treat the girls after you sleep with them?". She came behind me and whispered in my ear, "Now if you are good boy I won't have to arrest you". I had to obey her. That weapon you summoned, you use the forbidden arts. Rie replied. What the hell is to you? I asked.Why are you killing these woman? Rie asked. I am told to do so. If I don't kill you I will be punished. I replied. Is it that lady who is telling you this? Rie replied.Yes and I am indebted to this woman, alright. I replied. What do you mean, indebted? Rie asked. She took me in when I was a kid, my mom abandoned me. She adopted me when others turned a blind eye to me. I replied. That is why I have to kill you. I replied. I am sorry, that wont happened. Rie replied. The next morning, I was punished severely. I was in a slang and had my left eye covered. I replied. I saw that lady again. I met Princess Miki for the first time. Hi can we please order? Miki asked. Sure, why don't you serve her Hikaru? Eri asked. Think of this as a way for you to get her lady's forgiveness. Eri replied. I looked down. I walked them to a table. What would you like to order? I asked. Oh my gosh, what happened? Rie asked. I would order the stew,please? Miki asked. I want the same as well. Rie replied. Will that be all? I asked. It is all your fault you bitch. I whispered to Rie's ear. I will be back with your food. I replied with a cheerful voice. I overheard what they were talking about. Is that the guy who is sleeping with woman and killing them afterwards? Miki asked. I remember he mentioned something about being punished but I didn't know this bad. Rie replied. I feel I have to do something for him. Miki replied. What do you mean my lady? Rie asked. I remember from the prophecy. A handsome young man with foreign features that is illiterate and nameless. Miki replied. When I came out with their food. Miki said "Hey can I buy this guy?" This is the end of Part Three.

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