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Last time, Ally fought Hina and won. Ally couldn't heal everyone so she asked Katsu if he could take her to the Akane River Valley. So you can take me there? Ally asked. Well, I can but I can't go the Akanlitic Priestesses Village. Ally replied. Sure we can. Katsu replied. Katsu unsheathed his sword and slashed a portal. As those two were walking on through it, I was thinking Katsu was hiding something. As the portal closed, I asked Aoi a question. Hey Aoi, Katsu is forbidden to go into the Akane River Valley isn't he? I asked. Well him as a person no. That power is what forbids him. Well, his ancient ancestor decapitated the leader of that order. Aoi replied. Let did it because he doesn't like to see Ally with a disappointed face. Aoi replied. So you mean he has a thing for her? I asked. Well duh, it is pretty obvious. Tomoe replied. He is just a really shy person. Aoi replied. As the portal closed, they were on the outside of the village. Wow, we are actually on the outskirts of the village. Hey, I think I just saw humans here. Rumi replied. Rumi ran off to capture Ally and Katsu. Katsu grabbed Ally and covered her mouth. Why did you run out there? Ana asked. Well, I feel the presence of not just a human but that monster who killed out mistress years ago. Rumi replied. I do too. Ana replied. They ran out to the forest. Ally and Katsu ran fast as they could. Until they ran into a girl with long umber color hair. With her fare colored skin, you could tell she was not even close to being human. Are you looking for something? Men are not allowed here. Sara replied. I know your rules and customs. I am here as her bodyguard. Katsu replied. Well alright, who are you looking for, I might ask? Sara asked. I am looking for a friend of mine. Ally replied. Who is your friend? Sara asked. Her name is Lila Nigatsu. Ally replied. Do you the Rose Maiden of the Dawn? Sara asked. Well, she is not to be disturbed. Sara replied. So you still have her locked up in that so call house which actually cage to keep tabs on her because she always runs away? Ally asked.

Stay Tuned.

Lila is Spanish for lilac

Ni gatsu is Japanese for February.

I was thinking since she is Rose Maiden. She should be named after a flower. Since Lilacs bloom in February or March, I thought I could be clever and name her that way.


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