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Last time, Katsu fought Kiyoshi without any distraction. Rin saw the real Higashiyama and Yukimoto. He also what Ally and Kaoru's relationship to them. Katsu learns that he has people who care for him. It has been four days since Kuroyuri and her squad appeared. Everyone was so concerned about Katsu's recovery. The one most concerned about Katsu is Ally. She would go check on him every day. Who is sleeping beside me? Katsu thought. As soon as Katsu turned his head, he wiped a tear from her eyes with his index finger. He gently grabbed a lock of Ally's blonde hair. I see you are up and well. Yukimoto replied. Katsu dropped Ally's hair. Katsu started to blush. Ally woke up. Your awake, I am happy. Ally replied. Well, I bet he enjoying seeing her face. Aoi replied. Don't tease him even though it is pretty damn obvious. I replied. Pretty much. Tomoe replied. Leave him alone, he has monophobia and pistanthrophobia. What does that mean? I asked. The fear of being alone is monophobia and pistanthophobia is the fear of trusting people. Ally replied. How do you know that? Rin asked. Well, I might look like I might be clueless but I am actually smarter than you I bet. Ally replied. Watch it blondie. Rin replied. Katsu glared and gave Rin the blank stare. Stop embarrassing him, Rin. He just woke up and he doesn't need you telling his business out loud. Arisa replied. Uncle Katsu! Rio yelled. Rio. Katsu replied. Ally, Uncle Katsu woke up. Rio replied. I saw. Ally replied. What happened before I blacked out fully? Katsu asked. Other than your fight with Kiyoshi? Ally asked. After that, I saw Cosmos say mouthing an incantation and then I fainted. I figured much, she has the powers of the ancient arts like you. Higanbana replied. She used an attack that Mangetsu can only pull off. Hironori replied. I was the one who partially helped you get out of that comma she put you in. Hironori replied. I was shocked when he did that. Ally replied. Mangetsu is a sword of darkness that was originally one of his swords. Higanbana replied. I am a darkness attribute users. I only have one main sword and that is Murasame. Hironori replied. You wield that ancient blade? I asked. Yeah but since it is a sword that destroys whoever the caster deems the enemy. Hironori replied. Now that I think about, a sheathed sword appeared in your hand. Your eyes turned crimson like Katsu's does. Rumiko replied. I was angry and Murasame appears when I am in a settled rage. Hironori replied. Murasame usually takes advantage of its caster emotions. Katsu replied. I know perfectly what you mean. I touched it once. I felt the sadness and the fate of the users of Murasame. Katsu replied. Other than all these negative emotions, I am sorry I worried you. Katsu replied. I saw Kuroyuri in your room the first night you were hospitalized. Ally replied. For some reason she made you speak and you had a conversation with her. Ally replied. Is someone jealous? I asked. No, that woman can't be trusted. Ally replied. Kuroyuri is like that baby momma who comes to control and ruin his life? I asked. Basically. Yukimoto replied. She uses the same magic as Ally and I, doesn't she?Lila asked. Lila, I thought you went back home? Ally asked. Well, they assigned me here to work as a Nurse's Aide. Lila replied. That means. Ally replied. I get to go adventures like you guys do. Lila replied. We can celebrate with cake and ice cream! Ally replied. You will get fat eating all that. Rin replied. No we actually won't we burn off fat than average people. Lila replied. Katsu sat up. Lila do you know Kuroyuri's real name? Katsu asked. She's my older cousin, Jasmin. Lila replied. Jasmin Gogatsu is her real name, she was exiled for supposedly kissing or doing other things with a man. Lila replied. I know my cousin, she would never pull anything so risky without reasoning. Lila replied. After she was exiled, her eyes and hair color changed drastically. Her hair color was once a cream and her eyes were pale rose color. Lila replied. Her hatred and resentment towards those goddesses are what tainted her. Ally replied. Can she be saved? Lila asked. Yes, she can be saved but on her own accord. Ally replied.First things first, we have to get that chunk of metal out your arm. That is what is causing your recovery to be so slow. Lila replied. From looking at your body, Jasmin healed the majority of your body. That is one of her abilities is to heal the majority of the body but can't remove magical weapons lodged in the body. Lila replied. I think that was what she did last night. His body was shut down where he could wake up. You might have caught her healing him. Lila replied. Alright Katsu, do be warned this will hurt. Lila replied. Lila is too sweet to hurt someone Lila's hands started glowing. Then she dug her hand into his arm. What the hell my arm. Katsu complained. I found it. It was lodged really deep by who every you fought last. Lila replied. We don't have to worry, this is what was lodged in your arm. Lila replied. Lila is that a tip of a sword? Ally asked. Yes, it looks like it has been there for a year or two. Lila replied. Now that I think about it, I was stabbed before I was supposed to be executed. Katsu replied. They said that they were testing their swords on me. Katsu replied. Oh my gosh, I am surprised you are living. Lila replied. That wound healed after all this time. Katsu replied. Thank you, Lila. Katsu replied. Lila, since you are working as an Aide now you will deal with cases like swords being lodged in arms and so forth so on. Ally replied. Really? Lila asked. I use to be an aide just like you. Ally replied. How about after this you eat some breakfast. Ally replied. I really should stay here with him. Lila replied. Arisa do you want me to get you or Rio something? Rin asked. Daddy can I have a French Toast sticks with Mers Bleues syrup? Rio replied. I wonder who has been spoiling my son with that kind luxurious syrup? Rin asked. He likes good stuff. Ally replied. Ally smiled. That stuff is expensive in France and here. Rin replied. How we buy you something to eat? Rin asked. Sure, can I have sausage biscuit with grape jelly on it? Lila asked. That sounds similar to something a certain blond would eat? Rin asked. She spent her few days with me a few years ago. She was hungry and stumbled upon my refrigerator and my breakfast from earlier. Ally replied. Don't get on her case, Lila grew up in a society that was a strict Vegan diet. Hironori replied. As they were walking toward the elevator, Hironori was a little scared to get on. Hironori this is a the fast way. Don't lie to me. Hironori replied. Yukimoto walked behind him and pushed him in. I fixed your issue, going down. Yukimoto replied. Yumi will never change. Ally replied shaking her head. Getting used to that Yukimoto is going to be hard to get used too. Rin replied. Damn that fox. Hironori replied. We are almost done. Ally replied. I smell food. Hironori replied. Yeah, we are at the Food Court in the hospital. Ally replied. There are different foods and cooks from different regions who make different dishes. Rin replied. I want to see these different dishes? Hironori asked. There is that breakfast my son was saying he wanted. I would wish you or my brother would spoil him. Rin replied. It is ok. He knows that he has people who care for him even though it's through spoiling him. Hironori replied. Rena runs over to Ally. Is Commander Yamada, alright? Rena asked. He just woke up a few minutes ago. I saw him wake up. Ally replied. We were thinking about throwing him a getting well party all of us. Rena replied. I am happy you are doing that Rena. Let me guess you and the other guys were thinking this up because he always defends and helps everyone and you want to thank him. Ally replied. Are these people are really apart of your squad? Rin asked. A girl in a black cloak is a crescent on the side walked up to Rin. What was that you self-righteous bastard? Chihiro asked. Chihiro you should calm down. You know you can't use your powers in public. Rena replied. Chihiro, he is actually your superior. Ally replied. Why should I care? Chihiro replied with a blank stare. Stay Tuned. -Monophobia is the fear of being alone. -Pistanthophobia is the fear of trusting people. This Part One.

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