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Last time, Mariah was fighting Hikari and a new character appeared. Himiko ran outside and saw Hiro and the woman vanish. Hey Himiko, what is your connection to Hiro and Akane? Mariah asked. Are those the names they go by now? Himiko asked. Yes, Akifumi or now Hiro is a servant that serves the Higashiyama Clan. Kaori replied. Akane, on the other hand, is my mentor and she is known as the Crimson Sorceress. Mariah replied. Well, those two are my siblings. After all, Akifumi is my twin brother and Hirako is my older sister. Himiko replied. My parents ran them out and they went their separate ways. Himiko replied. I remember he once told me he felt bad about leaving you like that. Kaori replied. Ami and Sam ran over to check out if Mariah is ok. Are you alright, Mariah? You seem a little mad. Ami asked. Mariah came over to Aaron and punched him in the stomach. Mariah glared and walked off. Aaron curled over in pain. Ami and Sam walked over to Aaron. Mariah, you need to calm down. I know my brother did something stupid but forgive him. Sam replied. So you took the side of Hikari? Sam asked. Aaron, you are on thin ice. Ami replied. Kaori flipped off the room and went over to see if he was alive. Well for that stomach wound, I can tell you that he will live but she didn't give it her all with that attack. Kaori replied. What do you mean? Sam asked. I can tell she was angry already, she just took her leftover anger out on Aaron. She is now sad he took Hikari's side except his own girlfriend's side. Kaori replied. I ran to see what was going on. I see you messed up big time. Did you take her side instead of your beloved? I asked. Himiko walked over to heal Aaron's stomach wound. She has always had a temper like that since she was a little girl. Himiko replied. You are right about that. Sam replied. Himiko flipped Aaron over. I didn't know what to do. Aaron replied. Your beloved versus the woman who healed your heart. You are having a very interesting night. I feel someone is here and up to no good. I replied. My brother is here. Karin replied. Where did you come from? I asked. Well let me just say, I felt his presence and his sidekick Sakura. Karin replied. When you guys were running to Mariah's aid. I heard my brother talking to that guy named, Akio. Karin replied. I feel he they are plotting something that might cause us more grief than we will face here. I replied. Knowing my brother, he has already assembled a few to be on guard. Karin replied. Well, you are right about that brother of yours. Mana replied. I know they are assembling to attack everyone separately. Mana replied. So he is after all of us and he is being a little hesitant because Mana and the older generation are catching on to them. I have no problem making them pay. Ami replied. Ami you sound a little scary. Sam replied. You see, Ami is just like Mariah but faced more trials. It helped to mold her into the person she is known for today. Kaori replied. We will take down those two and the people who stand in our way. I replied. We will show them no mercy. Ami and the others replied. Now I can agree to that. Kaori replied. Kaori smirked thinking about a fight in a distant memory. We were all psyched about the battle before us but we were lacking help. In our aid, we had many people who helped us. Stay Tuned for next time! This is the end of Ira!

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