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Last time, Mana is strategizing a plan for the attack. Hiro came to deliver a message. Himiko saw him and was shocked and sad to see him.

Lady Himiko are you ok? Hikari asked. That was my brother? Himiko asked. Mana ran to Himiko. Himiko are you alright? Mana asked. How long have you known of my brother's whereabouts? Himiko asked. We have known for a while, he told me he didn't want to burden you or your life. He wishes for your happiness. Mana replied. I ran up to Vice President. Mana, why did you tell her? I asked. Himiko, please calm down. Kaori replied. He has been watching over me. Himiko replied. Akane has been watching over you too but from the distance. Kaori replied. You have been in contact with those two. They are coming here for two different reasons. Kaori replied. I bet Akifumi's is that sword that was stolen a long time the treasure of the shrine. Kaori replied. The holy sword that splits the heavens, Mangetsu. Himiko replied. That sword doesn't belong to your family it is actually a demon sword that has a holy seal on it. Kaori replied. What are you talking about? Hikari replied. Have any of you seen the sword before? Kaori asked. You are guarding a demon sword. Kaori replied. wouldn't be surprised if the seal broke any moment. Kaori replied. Hey, could you refrain from provoking the priestess and priest in training? I asked. I see you are being more of a pain than usual. Ami replied. I don't want to hear that coming from the spoiled princess. Kaori replied. Whatever do you mean, I have valued human life by living with Mariah and doing chores. Ami replied. Mariah walked up to her. She learned about working and hard labor by taking out the trash, cleaning the bathroom and her room. Mariah replied. Wait you her doing that? Mana asked. Yeah, she is earning her keep. I replied. Nanami, Sam, and the others walk up to everyone. My parents make Nanami and Ren earn their keep as well. Sam replied. You turned two spoiled princesses to normal civilians. Himiko replied. I know you girls look out for Akifumi don't you? Himiko asked. Well, Hiro is a pain to me. Ami replied with a blank stare. Seeing this your face, I can conclude he say or did something to mess with you. He has a tendency to tease others until they get back at him. He is very loyal to his family. Let's just say he is grieving over his disappearance act he pulled. We assumed he was killed by demons. Himiko replied. It is the total opposite, we taught him how to regulate his power and that is the purpose of his sword. Mana replied. He doesn't want a fight. He wants the sword to protect his lady and mistress. Kaori replied. Who is this lady and mistress he serves? Himiko asked. In return for this sword, he is to protect the woman of the Higashiyama Clan. Kaori replied.

To Be Cont...

Stay Tuned until next time

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