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Last time, Rumiko woke up and everyone was concerned about her well-being. As everyone went home, Rumiko and Tomoe heard a rattle in the sky. Aoi and I were walking outside. As soon as we looked from the corner of eyes, Raiki appeared. Then another person came from behind and attacked me from behind. Kaoru! Aoi yelled. I am fine, you take care of her! I yelled. You really think he can take care of me? Raiki asked. Aoi kicked Raiki in the stomach sending her flying. So you don't care if I am a woman? Raiki asked. To be honest, I really don't care but you and your buddies are really getting on my nerves. Aoi replied. You see other than many of my teammates, I am not as merciful as I look. Aoi replied. Meanwhile, I was dealing with this woman giving off a bloodlust beyond what I have ever felt. What is your deal? Why are you attacking me? I asked. You look like her! She took everything from me! I am sent to eradicate you, devil's spawn! Shirayuri yelled. What have I done to you?! I asked. You can lie all you want but it won't save you from me, Shirayuri of Purity! Shirayuri yelled. Shirayuri unsheathed the sword on her back and said I call forth the being of chastity and purity! Shirayuri yelled. I see you one of those Heavenly Divine Warriors who fight for love and purity stuff? I asked. I will not let you talk blasphemy about my God in front of me, you abomination! Shirayuri yelled. I want to see you make me. I replied. Shirayuri charged towards me with such speed. She punched me into the window and I hit the wall. I got back up with glass hanging out of my arm and cuts on my face. I got up and kicked Shirayuri in the face. Shirayuri are you alright? Raiki asked. I am fine, you finish yours and do the deed we were asked to do. Shirayuri replied. I was told to exercise her or if she rebels to drag her back alive. Shirayuri replied. So you think you can beat my ass, you cocky bitch. I replied. Shirayuri charged at me with her sword this time. Wait, I thought Cosmos is supposed to fight me? I replied. Well let's just say, the order asked me to eradicate you or drag you back to our headquarters. Shirayuri replied. Wait is that you,Shirayuri? Aoi asked. Aoi dodged Raiki attack and pushed me out of the way. He charged at Shirayuri. Haru Ito or should I call you Aoi Yoshida now. Shirayuri replied. You self-centered bitch, what the hell do you know about me?! Aoi yelled. The infamous killer who has inherited the sword, Asmodeus. Shirayuri replied. So you are still after my head even until this very day? Aoi asked. Aoi watch out! I yelled. Raiki thrust her sword into his chest. Aoi! I yelled.

Stay Tuned for next time!

Asmodeus is the demon that represents the sin of lust(Luxuria).

When Shirayuri said "chastity and purity" I based her sword on the archangel, Gabriel. He stands for chastity and purity.

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