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Last time, Aoi and I were fighting Raiki and Shirayuri. They were after me but Aoi went through so weird transformation of dark dangerous power. Now he is taking me to heal my wounds and give me an explanation.

When I was on his back I fell asleep. We were at his house. Where are we? I asked. You are at my house in my room. Aoi replied. What the hell? Why am in his bed all causally? I thought. You are kind of heavy. Aoi replied. I clinched up my fist to hit him. He stopped my fist. As he did it he smiled and would kind and pick but I could see he feels a sense of guilt for what happened. Hey Aoi can I ask you a question, who is Shirayuri? I asked. Don’t worry about her, think about getting this wound healed. Aoi As he was healing my wound inflicted on me by Shirayuri he seemed to dodge my question. Why are you dodging my question? I asked. Somethings and people you don’t need to worry about. I told I would tell you after dinner. Aoi replied. So he really meant he was going to take me out to dinner. I thought. I might be an ass but I keep my word. Aoi replied. I dressed your wound. Aoi replied. How about we go out tomorrow or when ever you like to. Aoi replied. Well, then I can go home. I replied. You must have forgotten, you drove with Ally this morning. Aoi replied. I saw his mischievous smile as he said that. He did this on purpose. I thought. I did that dumb ass a favor. I know what Cosmos is capable of. Aoi replied. You can sleep in here or across the hall. Aoi replied. He had that smile on his face and his eyes were closed. Telling from your tone you are headstrong on me staying in here. I replied. What would make you come to that conclusion? Aoi replied. Young master, you rarely have a guest but a woman is new. Kaname replied. Does that mean you gave up on being single for good? Kaname asked. Let me guess, you don’t desire to get married? I asked. How about you get off that subject. I have personal reasons for a reason. Aoi replied. For some reason, he turned his head as he said that. Kaoru go and hide. Aoi replied. I know you are hiding her, Haru. Cosmos replied. Don’t you call me by that name? Aoi replied. So Kuroyuri was right you get pissed when people can you Haru. Cosmos replied. Let’s just say that name causes me more pain and suffering. Aoi replied. Now you are going to tell me where you are hiding her. Cosmos replied. If I refuse? Aoi asked. Cosmos summoned her sword and pointed it at his face. I’m sorry but if you think that was supposed to threaten me? Aoi asked. You need to learn the art of intimidation. Aoi replied. See if you do this. I might have taken you a little more serious. Aoi replied. Cosmos curled up in pain. How did you summon a blade out of nowhere? Cosmos asked. You see the Luxuria people are known for their drop-dead looks but that's just a cover-up if you think about it. We are warrior race like the Ira people if you think about it. Aoi replied. I can’t see him kicking her ass. I thought. Well, I can summon as many weapons at an abnormal rate as some say. Aoi replied. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kuroyuri didn’t explain why she fears my power and sought me out. Aoi replied. Kuroyuri opened a portal. I see you attacked her. Kuroyuri replied. She came after Kaoru and I can’t let you do that. Aoi replied. So you finally found something to give you motivation, huh. Kuroyuri replied. Aoi glared at Kuroyuri. Stay Tuned.

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