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Current News

Hey, since I am going to be going on a hiatus until the Fall Semester is finished. I will be posting six posts instead of my normal three.

Haru/ My Rare Treasure: Part One: Haru has gotten her powers back and it is bringing fear to those around her.

Part Two: Haru has gotten her powers back and identified Barachiel's true identity. At the last second, Haru encounters him.

Natasha: Part One: Mariah is fighting off Honoka and defeats her with her trump card.

Part Two: Mana is fighting Daiki to find out who he really is. She encounters Hayate, the man who plotted her death. Her hatred boils up inside.

Kaoru: Part One: Katsu has finally finished his mission and is on his way to give Ally the antidote to Higanbana's poison. He runs away again to hide himself in a space to be confronted by Higanbana. "I know...comforting right now she is."

Part Two: Ally has woken up and was discharged a while ago. When she arrived at work, Katsu was fighting off the impostor. The impostor casts an Ira Spell causing his temporary blindness. He was saved by a mysterious red-haired girl. Katsu faints in Ally's arms.

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