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Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Two: Haru's Power's Return/Barachiel's Sneak Attack

Last time, Haru finally got her powers back and now everyone has started to become fearful of her powers. So you think you can beat Barachiel? Liliya asked. You mean Luka? I asked. You know his real name? Liliya asked. Why wouldn't I know, I remember the old Luka. I replied. He was taken away from his grandmother who lived in Jujak district in Ira. He was never like this. I replied. Are you serious? Salem asked. So this is what he turned to after his father took him away? Yumi asked. He is our enemy now. Ichiko replied. I have no problem putting him in his place. I replied. Well, since all the craziness has ended, we can go our separate ways for now. Kirika replied. You are right, but how do we meet up for discussion? Salem asked. You're right. Min-Ji replied. How about we all go to Megumi's Dojo or her house. I replied. Let me ask. I replied. As I called her. Why are you asking? Megumi asked. Barachiel is... I replied. So he's here and ready to cause trouble again? Megumi asked. What do you mean again? I asked. You all can go to my Dojo, but one condition. You all can't let Ino know of this. Megumi replied. We know. Min-Ji replied. Sayuri is who I am really talking about. Megumi replied. Now that I think about it. Bao replied. Shut up, all of you for a moment. I replied. I rushed outside and stomped the ground with one tap. If you think you can kill me or anyone else, you are suddenly mistaken. I replied. Barachiel appeared behind me. I know, something like that wouldn't kill you. Barachiel replied. The time froze in place. What are you planning? I asked. I want to see if you are as you used to be. That's all I desire. Barachiel replied. I glared at him the whole time.

Stay Tuned.

End of Part Two.

See you in December.

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